Transforming Your Self Is The Way To Transform Your Life.
Awakening Our Humanity Will Help Awaken
The Transformation Of Our World.
You are not too young, nor too old to change. For you to shift your reality, you need to evolve beyond your current habitual patterns replaying suffering. Would you like to stop chasing after life, and have life come to you? There are ways you can learn to transcend your issues and transform yourself and your life.
It begins by discovering who you actually are.

If you are struggling in your life, trying to accomplish and achieve certain goals,
desired ways of living, working hard to take yourself to a whole new level and yet, no matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t find the way to reach and or maintain those goals, ways, ideals for yourself, it represents a simple fact: you are in a state of incoherence; your subconscious programming does not support your conscious wishes. The struggle is an internal one. It is not the Universe holding you back. It is your own invisible subconscious programming directing your behaviour and largely as a consequence, your reality. The great news about our brain being neuroplastic, not hardwired as it was once believed, is that you can re-write your subconscious programming which can have positive outcomes for you and your reality.
If transformation of our world is to happen, there is a requirement for profound inner transformation to be embraced within the heart and mind of human beings. I call this transformation, the birth of our human awakening. I consider this as our next evolutionary step forward into a fuller version of self mastery where we learn what it means and what it takes to thrive as human beings in these times. Backed by ancient spiritual wisdom teachings and upheld by modern quantum physics, everything is entangled, energetically connected to everything.
Becoming aware of our connection with life, can awaken a deeper understanding of how we impact everything in the ways we are and how we live here in this world. Becoming more conscious and working on our self to enable wiser and more compassionate, more balanced ways we can choose to live our lives from this moment and going forward, will ultimately positively change how we impact everything, everyone, including ourselves. Part of this human awakening evolutionary process is to accept that life is sacred. And aligned with that, must be a willingness from human beings to learn to take better care to protect and nurture the sacredness of life of which we are part.

You can personally learn how to access your potentiality
You can learn how to live your authentic power which no longer compromises who you truly are, you are capable of igniting your dreams and wishes and bringing them into your life as you learn how to thrive in ways you once believed to be impossible. In a world where currently you may see chaos, fear, violence and distractions everywhere, this human awakening transformation is a welcomed option for those ready for profound change for the better which will require each person to embrace in their own ways, changes for the better within the self where more balance and harmony, more compassion and care is born within the self, between self and others and with our Earth.
We must regard how we live here and change our unconscious
and our uncaring ways, not only to better the self, not only to better the lives of human beings. All life matters. We are all aspects of Creation, all part of the great web of life where we are literally, in this together
Together we can help contribute to the co creation of a more loving and balanced world, a world we all want to live in. As we individually and collectively step into this evolutionary process of awakening ourselves as humanity, to ‘ become our greater potential’ – who we truly are – and start to live WITH our Earth planet, and others in wiser and more compassionate ways, the ‘being of our individuated fuller potential,’ can help to contribute and assist collectively, in positive ways to help support and nurture transformation for the better, of this world.
With all the power you can access, with all the power you are, may the power of love be your guiding light forward.
This is the work I provide

No greater time is now for regeneration in this world with ourselves and this sacred planet, an expansion of our awakening human consciousness, in which we as the People of this Earth embrace our deepest capacity to love and heal our imbalances, to harness our greater potentiality to transcend paradigms of generational conditioning, that we learn how to free ourselves and thrive here in ways which benefit the planet as well as ourselves.
RISE humanity that we may bring change for the better, by being change for the better in who we are and in how we choose to live here on Earth and in this world!
We did not come here to destroy ourselves or this planet. It is time for us all to awaken, to remember who we are and why we are here in these times and how each one of us can choose to love and therefore touch and help heal this world with Beauty.
It is time to embrace our humanity; it is time for humanity to evolve.
It is time for love to breathe.
Our services are structured into four specific categories:
Are you ready to step onto pathways which bring you radiant, vibrant health, open ways to access and grow genuine, meaningful relationships, step you into your authentic truth and onto trajectory pathways to success, abundance, financial and personal freedom? Are you tired of being anxious, feeling powerless and distracted? Are you seeking to find how to re-balance yourself and live a life of deeper meaning, serenity and lasting inner peace? Learn how to harness the ability to become your own true MAGNIFICENCE and how to access and activate your full potential self. It begins with you making the choice to be willing to discover your own transformational capacities by working on yourself, shifting non – serving paradigms within you, from ‘you can’t’ regarding whatever you currently face in your life, to the FACT that you absolutely CAN and MUST!
The more we fully embrace taking better care of our self, each other and our planet home, the more we awaken our humanity to love, to protect and to nurture life as the gift it is, and realize our connection with everything!
Now is the time to awaken!

Spirit World Medicine Services.
’’Awaken to transform yourself ~ awaken to transform the world.’’
Our work is dedicated to help shift consciousness from separation and isolation to wholeness and connection.
Unity consciousness begins within yourself. If you want your life to be better, work on yourself to become better. When you work on yourself to be better, you impact upon the collective in positive and better ways which help support the possibilities of a better world emerging, a world we all want to live in.
Peace begins within the self of each and everyone of us.

You are a spiritual being. Your spirituality is not something you do. It is who you are. Spiritual is what we all are; it is the essence of all life. We either embrace this spiritual essence and grow ourselves from this knowing, or deny this, yet we all are spiritual at the core of our being. The very nature of existence down to the subatomic structure of life, everything is energy. This energy is not random, nor is it purposeless; this energy is pure potentiality, it is information, intelligence, it is aware, it is consciousness. I call this energy spiritual essence, this is the essence within all Creation and this is the core vitality of life within you and in the spaces between you ~ everything within and all around you is ‘alive’, in various states of vibration. This spiritual energy, comes from the Prime Creator Source and it is this Source that created all life and gave each Creation its own spiritual essence. The spiritual essence the Creator Source created is the force, the unseen yet present fabric of life that connects everything; the power which makes life alive and holds life together. From the flow of seasons, to the spiral spin of planets around our sun, the flow of life within us and everywhere, as thoughts, ideas, memories, feelings, actions taken, experiences past, present and future dreams and aspirations, the essence of life lives and flows according to the natural laws of the universe within us and everywhere. The more we awaken, we begin to become more aware that beyond our differences, we are all comprised of this energetic spiritual essence ~ and we are energetically connected to everything, as we are to each other.
What does it mean and what does it take to be human and here, in these times? As humanity, growing our awareness of our spiritual essence, learning we can grow our intuition and develop our abilities to follow the inspiration that is always present and available into which we can tap, our human awakening process calls us to find greater ways to how we are living. We cannot continue to live in the ways we do here. We are connected to everything. What we do affects things, thus considerations must be made regarding possible consequences before we simply do whatever we do. This planet is the home to all living beings; we are not the only ones with life. We need to find better ways to live in more balance with ourselves and each other, and to learn to coexist with respect to all life forms living in this realm.
The Earth does not need us. We need the Earth.
I regard this awakening as the true gift it is ~ our next crucial evolutionary step forward, which each of us can embrace if we choose, where we commit our efforts to transform our selves and our ways, to enable us to become who we we were born to be, a way better version than what we have been.
Are you curious to not only discover who you are, to discover your full potentiality, to find out the greatness you are capable of becoming, your inner genius, your capacity to love and nurture, to transcend your limits and transform yourself to become greater than you ever imagined yourself to be? This is our human awakening in which we boldly experience what it means to BE human KIND, where we can transition into more wholeness within ourselves and cease functioning at the current level, as human unkind.
I am inviting you to embrace this opportunity to walk the paths of personal transformation, with me as your mentor and guide where you give yourself permission to go beyond what you once may have thought impossible, for yourself, to discover change for the better is inevitable once you are on and remain on the correct pathway, with a trajectory into unlimited possibilities beyond your current imagination! As I guide you as your Coach, my role with you as your accountability partner is to assist you to learn to become more conscious and aware, to help assist you to become your own best friend, to guide you to begin to learn to trust yourself and this universe, the Prime Creator Source, to help facilitate your transition for you to grow your confidence and your deserving of better, that you make wiser, more discerning choices as you chart and build your life going forward into the greatness of your choosing.
The challenges we face on this planet call us all, in various ways which will require us as people to transcend our limited beliefs and access our full potentiality so that we birth our authenticity and stand stronger in our truth. Together, may we step forward to support, encourage and help each other as we discover what it really means and what it really takes to be human and here in these times. Our next evolutionary step forward calls humanity to stand up in our light and break through, transmute and illuminate paths of shadow, doubt and confusion, out of which we can become who we were born to be, learning, embracing, growing, transcending and becoming our limitless full potentiality for ourselves and for our planet home and witness the required shift in our reality on this Earth, from the destructive : love of power, to the vital, life supporting, life thriving : power of love in ourselves and in this world.
Choose to discover, uncover, recover your authentic self. Learn to develop, hone, grow this authenticity into the mastery of thriving in all aspects of your life in harmony with this planet. Choose to be the best you, possible. Help contribute by your own awakening, to an awakening world, a world we all want to live in.
We did not come here to remain asleep.
You CAN heal yourself and your life.