Be the best version of yourself ~ Transcend your beliefs ~ Transform your life

We offer exciting coaching programs, based on once a week, monthly, live sessions, one on one with me as your personal coach. My focus with you is dedicated to help you to awaken, to heal, re-balance and transmute any limiting beliefs which are preventing you from becoming your fuller potential self. In these programs you can learn with me guiding you, to work on yourself to become the BEST version of you, where you can learn various ways to transcend your beliefs and transform your life. You can discover self-supportive alternatives and solutions for yourself which better serve you in your evolvement of you. In order that real change can occur for a person, it requires specific work to be done regularly every day, in a certain manner, within a specific process by the person them self. In addition, the role of professional support, like that of a coach, a mentor, to that person in their process of specific change, becomes invaluable, like an accountability partner guiding, supporting and motivating the next steps forward. According to the latest science it takes between three weeks and 250 consecutive days working in such a process, for habits and behaviours to truly change.
Whilst there is no ‘quick fix,’ the take away is : it IS absolutely possible for you to change how you live your life. Sessions are on line or in person.
We Specialize in the Following Various Services
Mindfulness Coaching and Intuitive
Counselling combined with Crystal Surgery
Shamanic Intensive Process
Shift. Awaken. Heal. Re-Claim!
Quantum Leaps
It Is All about YOU
ancient success secrets to wealth, health and relationships
Please be aware I do not work with nor use in any way, herbal plant activators, plant spirit medicines, no hallucinatory processes. All my work is based on inner training to access heightened states of being where you can discover your inner mastery, without taking any substances to facilitate.
In our programs the content is held together with Mindfulness Coaching and Intuitive Counselling as effective structures to best assist you in your transformational process.
”Mindfulness” is another word for remembering and often it is said as remembering the being behind all our doing, or the essence of who we are. Working at an appropriate pace, clients are guided through various awareness exercises that increase attention, calm the body, and explore narratives and emotions.
Within this individual coaching process I weave Intuitive Counselling into the session when appropriate. Underpinned with a clinical edge, my approach with my services of Counselling brings forth my natural intuitive skill set which helps foster and nurture shifts for each client, which can address and help heal and transform deep wounding, destructive, self negating negative patterns which are ready to be released.
The benefits of these specific effective structures in my sessions with clients, are many, including better focus, self-awareness, stress resilience, creativity, self development, deeper meaning, self empowerment, inner peace and fulfilment.
I have created these programs to help support you through your awakening process as you learn how to break through your current limits, to re – claim and re – balance your power, and learn the value of self-care and nurture. In this process you can begin to unlock your hidden genius and limitless potential by becoming self aware, so you can begin to bring your dreams into your reality and truly start thriving in your life.
Our next evolutionary step for us all is the real awakening of our humanity….a shift from human unkind, to being human kind. To love, to care, to hope, to dream, to have faith in who you are and in the Universe, to remember you have great purpose in being here and to know this is the time for you to now awaken, to heal, balance and become the best version of you, as you step into the driver’s seat of your life in celebration of your authenticity. You matter and what you do and how you do what you do, matters. Touch the world with kindness, which begins deep within you in how you treat or mistreat yourself.
’Become the BEST version of you.’’ Learning to thrive as human KIND
Awakening calls us all to step into becoming more responsible, doing everything we can to awaken ourselves to go beyond our limits and to remember our humanity in everything we do and in all we are.
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