
Wynand Scheepers
B.Sc Industrial Psychology and Labour Relations Management
It is with pleasure that I submit testimonial regarding my experience of Shelley Wyndham and the work that we have done together. In the 6 months since I first started seeing Shelley for anger management, she has helped me make improvements in all aspects of my life, from my relationship with my husband to my interactions with people at work and even strangers on the street. Shelley’s guidance has been instrumental in not only addressing my problems regarding anger management, but in developing my self – esteem and self – worth, my emotional intelligence and my empathy and understanding of others. Our process work has shaped the way I see the world, how I make sense of my own views of religion and how I relate to others. From giving me practical and implementable tools to improve my self-regulation through breathing exercises and meditation to enhancing my appreciation of all the good things in my life through gratitude journaling, Shelley has empowered me to take control of my thoughts and focus my energies towards positivity and continual self-improvement. Shelley’s holistic approach brings together various fields of positive psychology, mindfulness, spirituality and transcendental teaching and is as concrete, scientific and structured as it is “mystical”. Regardless of your experience or background, Shelley is in my opinion fully equipped with the necessary sensitivity, knowledge and understanding to help you be a better, happier and more balanced you. Talking with her is always a pleasure, whether I am being serious, crying, laughing or just enjoying life in its fullness by being aware of all that is. Shelley carries my full recommendation and approval in expanding her reach through her website and can be trusted to help anyone who comes to her.

Clare Roper von Dyck
Student of All That Is. ‘Quantum Warrior of the 21st Century’ (John Kehoe)
“If we want to fulfill our divine plan….we cannot progress spiritually unless we deal with our psychology. Those behavioural patterns which are lodged in our belief systems, which keep coming back and which block progress, have to be mastered”…Elizabeth Clare Prophet – The Story of Your Soul I had no knowledge of any of this until I became a student on the Native American Red Road Teachings. I knew my life task was already set in stone but had no idea how to extract it. Excalibur was firmly embedded in its rock of inaccessibility. Shelley proved to be a Teacher, Shamanic Medicine Woman, Guide, Opener of my Psyche. She led me to finding injuries and patterns of belief which I had locked away, hidden, unknown and unseen…and to healing them! Trained and prepared through very many lifetimes – as she is gifted by Creator, so we are gifted with Shelley. She is Seer, Visioner, guided and taught by great masters. Her teachings, which we are privileged to experience, are phenomenal. Her guidance through profound inner work, ceremony and initiations, enabled me to discover dysfunctional aspects. She facilitated the opening of my ‘Stone Heart’ and set me upon a path of healing. Looking back over the 2 years since embarking upon the Red Road with this ‘Red Woman in a White Skin’ I see clearly how Shelley’s ancient and profound teachings are lighting my way back to oneness in the great beam of Creator’s heart love.
Mitakuye Oyasin.

Change Catalyst @Idreamfree MA Criminal Justice – Forensics
I have found the work with Shelley to be deeply profound and supportive in my journey to integrate the pieces of my soul. Shelley’s love for psychology and intellect combined with her intrinsic desire for balance and justice is evident in the deep processes she engages with all her clients. I hold with special memory her guidance on my totem work and the building of the Medicine Wheel – both mystical and magical in its unfolding. Even when I am not in process, I feel Shelley’s watch over me and share her joy and encouragement on where my path leads me. Her skill and depth of soul work speaks of her own sacred walk and I have found her counsel invaluable.

Penny van Zyl
Mother, Wife and Writer
In education for over 30 years – part time lecturer, student evaluator and counselor, recently awarded 2018, Diploma in Social Studies and Counselling Skills with First Class Honours, Grandmother of 5
I have known Shelley Ruth Wyndham for over 18 years, ever since she opened her healing practice in Noordhoek, Cape Town. My life has been enriched on so many levels through the many courses, workshops, life coaching sessions, crystal healing sessions and full moon meditations I have attended
I was very blessed and privileged to be invited to a very powerful and moving ceremony hosted by Shelley and two of the few remaining Bushmen from the Kalahari region in 2017, which was live-streamed across the globe. Izak and Lydia (their Western names) are the last remaining storytellers and links to the Ancestors within the Bushmen Tribe. The ceremony was performed in their Mother Tongue – with a translator, and we witnessed Isak passing the flame to his wife Lydia, symbolizing the acknowledgement and shift, for balance and healing for all life including Mother Earth now being placed in the care of the Matriarch, the feminine principle. A moment I will never forget.
In 2005 I participated in Shelley’s Medicine Wheel Archetype course – the practices and principles I learned during this course I still use in my teaching career today. Four years ago I was diagnosed with grade 4 Breast Cancer and during the months of chemotherapy and radiation Shelley performed weekly crystal healing sessions in tandem with the chemo and radiation, which had a very positive impact on my recovery.
I enjoyed the Ho’oponopono workshops immensely – and use the Blessing – I love you, I thank you, I am sorry, please forgive me – on a daily basis. Often, in very heated meeting with fellow educators, I quietly repeat the Blessing and within minutes the tone and atmosphere in the meeting< changes from a very negative, aggressive one to a pro -active, positive encounter.
Many of the workshops included Drumming and free movement sessions – which I absolutely loved. It was interesting to watch those people who were introverted and shy at the start of the workshop and expressed their fear at not being good at playing instruments and /or having no rhythm , moving freely with such enjoyment.
Getting to know Shelley as I have over the years, has been a remarkable journey – one I value and treasure. I have learned a great deal about myself, and about owning my space in this world, being proud of who I am and acknowledging my self-worth. I have learned that it is ok to be ME, and through challenges and insecure moments I am now able to re-adjust my thought processes and move on with a positive frame of mind, without beating myself up for just being human and slipping up as we all do at some point.
Thank you, Shelley, for many life changing moments, for a friendship that I really value and hold close in my heart, and for the gift of teaching me about self-love, and being worthy, being responsible for my own health and happiness and to stand proudly and say ‘ “THIS IS ME.”
With love and so much gratitude

Carol Nelson
Creative Therapist
My PSYCH-K session with Shelley was so profound. In just two hours she took me through a deep process of first finding the exact belief that was causing me a great amount of emotional pain in my life, then removed it like a weed from my subconscious mind. This old belief had deep roots in my childhood and so I was skeptical about this process working and thought that the belief would probably come back again soon. I was wrong. It has been almost two months now since my session and many opportunities for me to have fallen back into the grips of the old belief, but to my astonishment, it no longer holds the emotional charge that it used to hold. It’s as though Shelley has disconnected a live bomb that was inside me. I feel so much gratitude towards Her for her very capable and experienced ability to gently probe me to the actual place of pain in order to change things in a meaningful way.
I highly recommend PSYCH-K sessions with Shelley.

Dawn Jones
Veterinary Physiotherapist
I was given the opportunity to cross paths with Shelley Ruth Wyndham through my work as an animal therapist. Many years ago, I did home visits to her home to treat Wolf, her beautiful 4-legged companion. Through my work, I am privileged to meet interesting people from all walks of life and this was no exception. Through conversation with Shelley, I became curious about her work. I was at a phase in my life when I needed some support and started seeing Shelley for life coaching and counselling in 2012. Through her guidance, I have expanded my perspective on the world, dealt with some tough truths, attended beautiful water ceremonies and full moon gatherings and completed an exquisite, insightful archetype course that gave me a much broader and fuller sense of the whole of me. Through Shelley’s guidance and coaching, I have a much better sense of my place in the world, more of a sense of belonging and a greater sense of value. I am closer to my authentic self than I have ever been before.

Natalie Munro
Creative Consultant
When you arrive at Shelley, you park your car and cross a small bridge, it is at this moment that a wonderful sense of calm comes over you. I have been going to see Shelley for a few years now. To sum up this journey is impossible, there is simply not enough space. Shelley, her beautiful teachings and her unwavering devotion to the Great Spirit changed my life. I have learnt so much about myself, healed on so many levels, physical, emotional and mental, and continue to do so. I have realized that we are all on the most remarkable journey, each unique and challenging… It has been Shelley’s guidance along this path, that has equipped me with tools and attitude to make the very most of everything. It is a blessing to be taught by her. I arrived on her doorstep a very sick and sad girl and now write this letter a very well and happy one. Thank you Shelley for your dedication, I go into the future with love and light carrying all your teachings with me. I needed a miracle and that is exactly what I got. Thank you.

Elin Duby
Mother, yoga teacher, Resilience & Participatory Design Consultant
Shelley is a truly extraordinary teacher and therapist. With a deep understanding of our human nature and a vast array of tools up her sleeve she gently guides you to find your own way to yourself. She has been an invaluable support for me through difficult times and I know that in between sessions she always keeps me and all those she works with in her prayers. She has also become a great spiritual Teacher and I am excited to see where this journey will take us further.

Desney Karen Hughes
Bantry Bay International Vacation Resort – Owner and Sales
I enrolled in the Universal Red Road Archetypes and the Shamanic Medicine Wheel Teaching courses. I did this as my life had become unmanageable and I needed tools to find my true authentic self. I needed to face my weaknesses and to gain courage and strength to live a happy and fulfilled life without fear. I took a leap of faith and little did I know that these courses were going to prepare me towards a new path, and that my life was going to change dramatically and that without the Red Road teachings, I would never have had the courage to make the choices that I had to make. Whilst embracing the Native American principles regarding the way of life, and becoming more aware of our Mother Earth, and the connection between the Earth’s role and mine, I realized the abuse we as people direct at the planet and I began to see the abuse I was inflicting on myself. I realized that I had an addiction problem which was not serving me and that I was living a hypocritical life. With the help of Shelley and the Red Road teachings, I was empowered to face my addiction and at long last gain respect for myself. I am now able to make clear, healthy decisions and no longer depend on the approval of others for a sense of well – being. I have a good relationship with myself and hence others and have found serenity and peace with an absence of anger and anxiety. On the Red Road I found a true spiritual awakening and ….. at last, I like the company I keep. I would encourage everyone to take up the challenge, be brave and find yourself, the unique, special and wonderful being that you are. Thank you Shelley and Wolf.

Lindy Joyce Bruce
Cool To Be Me – Social emotional learning
There are few words that can adequately describe the work that Shelley does….miraculous, life-changing…a true blessing. Shelley is an incredibly gifted spiritual healer and intuitive counselor. She creates an environment of safety and love in which her clients can be supported to see themselves more clearly and find the courage and inner strength to change. As you change, so does your life and the world around you. The results of Shelley’s work are extremely real and powerful and any person who has the honor of working with Shelley, is truly blessed.

Lucy Olden
Earthskills Africa
The Full Moon gatherings are a gift to all those opening up to the journey of awakening. Shelley holds the collective energy within each of these sessions with compassion, intuition, wisdom, warmth and grace, carefully balancing the needs of those new to this work and those seasoned in its teachings. Each gathering offers a transformative experience that reaches inward to self yet also radiates outward, enabling beautiful, authentic connection with others.

Lore Coughlan
Artist and Art Journey Facilitator – enabling people to find their intuitive solutions through creativity
Universal Red Road Teachings – This Medicine Wheel course is life changing on so many levels. The wisdom of the Red People is sensitively relayed by Shelley who shares a strong bond with them. Shelley is a wonderful teacher who embodies both strength and compassion – she will teach you to love and respect the relevance of this ‘old wisdom’ and the Red ways. She will hold your hand, wipe your tears, laugh with you when it is needed, she will stand behind you as you take that terrifying step into the unknown. She will be mother, sister, friend and at time’s adversary. She is everything one can ask for in a teacher and the knowledge she shares is timeless and beautiful and will deeply touch your heart.

Sean Caulfield
San Bushmen Rock Art and Wildlife Artist, Mayan Sacred Time Keeping
I first met Shelley in April 2002. Shelley has been and continues to be an inspiration towards my journey of life. My road with Shelley as my teacher has been opened toward amazingly beautiful enlightened experiences of healing. Shelley’s commitment and loyalty have never lacked and her devotion towards my healing I will forever be grateful for.
When I first started my intuitive counseling sessions with Shelley I could feel how I was growing spiritually, and meaning to life was being opened to my mind and heart. In September 2003 I decided to do the Universal Red Road Teachings and in March 2005, I completed the Red Road Shamanic Medicine Wheel course. This course has since then, become a three year course which Shelley continues to offer to people committed to work on themselves and find inner harmony and more balance with themselves and the planet. This course started with several months theory and then we went into Nature to do ceremony, ritual and initiation work with Shelley. I found this very exciting and rewarding but at times very challenging as it brought my stuff out and it allowed me to see those things inside of me which held my growth back. Thus I was able to consciously see where I needed to look at healing my life. I also completed in 2010 the Red Road Archetype one year course, which has since then, become a two year course to best support individuals in their awakening of these aspects within the self, which each person then learns on this Archetype course, like I learned, how to balance and better empower the self. After doing these two levels of Medicine Wheel courses I felt that I had learnt more about who I am and found more purpose to life. This awakening, healing work has put me on a path of the Heart.
Shelley’s full moon spirit guided meditations and journey work are always unique and beautiful. I have also attended Shelley’s powerful Earth healing ceremonies and many other workshops. With Shelley’s guidance I have come to have insight into some of the ancient ways of the Native American peoples whose Universal truths apply to all of humanity and have led me towards a greater understanding of myself and my life which has allowed me to find balance and harmony within. I have come to understand that it is very important for me to heal those parts of myself that are not in synchronicity and by doing intuitive counselling work with Shelley I have found the way to be able to talk about things that are needed to be dealt with and I regularly book for crystal surgery energy re-balance sessions to receive her facilitation of helping me to re-balance my energies in a world filled with distractions and all these healing processes are of great importance towards my growth.
I have come to realize the importance of healing my life, as this opens the road to self – enlightenment and expands my reality to see beyond the veils that separate, because of this I was guided to walk the third level Medicine Wheel course with Shelley, in 2015/16, which involved doing frequency work to help advance myself with more awareness and to have confidence in leading ceremony myself, it instilled inner courage because the work helped me bring my mind to live heart centered, this deep process work helped heal the emotional wounds of my Soul, and helped me access higher states of being within myself which I now draw on as an artist and as a human being. When you do the work and start seeing positive results, you feel excited.
It is now December 2018 and Shelley has been and continues to be an absolute inspiration towards my life and it warms my heart to know and be expertly guided by such an amazing person, I notice Shelley’s caring commitment and humility. I will always recommend anyone to do intuitive counseling and Universal Red Road spiritual teachings and process work, with Shelley.

Margie Jarvis
Environmental Activist & OceanSong Eco Beach house BnB
Founder of Earthsong organic Beauty Range
Over the past 18 years now going into 19 years, I have attended a variety of workshops, courses, medicine wheels and meditation classes given by Shelley Ruth Wyndham. Many of Shelley’s methodologies and philosophies are rooted in the ancient spiritual wisdoms of the Universal Native American Red Road Teachings. The ancient Red Road Teachings are deeply profound, insightful and as relevant and valid today as they were in the past. Collective consciousness, being one with universe, staying in tune and connected with Nature and Spirit are key fundamentals of these teachings.
Shelley is an ethical, gifted, open hearted and deeply committed teacher and healer. Over the years, her teachings have brought to me spiritual insights, inner peace, bliss and connectivity to all, in the highly complex and fractured world that we live in. In addition, her teachings and meditations have positively changed my approach to life and shown me more effective and rewarding ways in dealing with life’s daily challenges. Her meditations are exquisite, visual journeys that manifest, in every possible way I can express this – as the ‘Beauty Way’.
I feel truly blessed to have been touched by Shelley’s teachings and deep spirituality and will remain on the higher path thanks to her.
I wish Shelley even more success with her abilities to touch the hearts and spirits of all those that connect with her.
Much love, light and happiness.

Dr James G Liddell – B.Pharm M.Pharm PhD
Integrated Healthcare Specialist
I have interacted with Shelley Wyndham on a professional basis and I also refer patients to her for therapy.
She is highly efficient as a professional person and my patients are extremely satisfied with her intervention.
Patients will benefit with her therapy when required and I strongly recommend her as a therapist.
Yours sincerely

Ursula Evans
Veterinary surgeon
On recommendation by my ‘Wholism Healing’ therapist, I joined Shelley’s Red Road Teachings in the second half of 2006. It seemed that re-connecting to myself through ‘Mother Earth’ was what I needed and the Red Road Teachings were one way in which to do this. And whoever guided my therapist, was right.
I immediately felt comfortable with Shelley although from the start she challenged me in all my weak spots, which was decidedly uncomfortable. But this was done, not in ego, but in a Spirit of Love. It was completely up to me whether I would respond by defending my wounded ego or allow change to come through me.
Well, it was with immeasurable blessings that the latter happened during the journey along the Red Road for me, each of our sessions brought with it, ,several intensely personal miracles.(And they continue to this day.)This, I think was because Shelley has the ability to help you see your own unique personal power by being at once the structure to your discovery and being totally absent from it. She is so grounded in her authenticity that the Spirit of Unconditional Love allows you to challenge yourself and all that which has not been questioned deeply before. She creates a safe place where your own transformation can occur. A safe place is of the utmost importance as the journey is often painful as you shed preconceptions and inhibitions. However, without that cleansing fire, the Phoenix cannot rise from the Ashes!
Although the Red Road is authentically frame-worked in Native American tradition, the teachings are Universal. You walk the road only with the intention of discovering your own truth not to adopt that of any other individual or belief system. However, a structured traditional approach, led by the right person, in her own authenticity, as Shelley does, is immeasurably powerful in pointing one in the direction of that which is at the HEART OF EACH ONE OF US. And, once we open the door, the rest takes on a momentum of its own, if we allow it.
This is what the Red Road Teachings did for me and life has turned from being a dark place of alienation, to being a complete blessing every moment of every day!
The work is hard and the road is tough, but this could be the turning point for you as it was for me.
With Love In Spirit.

Cristo Louw
Thank you for creating the space for the gentle and powerful anchoring of teachings you provided for us all to experience, on this Sacred Meditation Retreat – teachings which were on the periphery of my reality. What an honor, blessing and pleasure to be part of such Divine and Sacred transformational shifts. Thank you Shelley. Mitakuye Oyasin.

Claire Lacey
Holistic Bodywork and Lyno Practitioner
”’I went through a huge transformation really quickly during this Sacred Meditation Retreat workshop. I stand in awe and am humbled by this process. Thank you Shelley, for holding the space, so gently, so masterfully, until I regained clarity of my power and my purpose on this beautiful Earth.
My sincere gratitude and love.

Kara Fox
Shelley has changed my life. Actually, Shelley taught me ways to change my own life. She is the finest coach in the universe, in my opinion. Thank you, Shelley, I love you!

Franciskus Van Der Ahee
Farmer & Healer
I am glad to know Shelley, the work she does is amazing. Shelley helped me on my spiritual journey and still is. She is one of the women that is changing the world. I love you Shelley.

Tamara Scholtz
Freelance Website Designer and Photographer
Shelley is the most amazing and wonderful person. She has enlightened me on a whole new level, for the better 🙂 Thank you Shelley

Fiona Hare
Professional singer, Song writer, Performer
Shelley is a wonderful, caring person. She has a lot of modalities under her belt and uses them well. Shelley is Transformative! Her life coaching helped me tremendously, to facilitate change from fear to self – love and confidence, necessary for me to be able to return to the stage to perform as a singer and musician, as well as in my own personal life.
She is dedicated, patient and strong with the client when needed. I felt safe with her. She believed in me and helped me to believe in myself again.
She has guided, encouraged, grown me and challenged me in the areas I needed, spiritually, mentally and emotionally. I am grateful to her for her compassionate work.
I feel so glad to have met her and done the work with her on myself. Do the work and you will see the results. Thank you dear Shelley, for changing my life
Thank you so much and sending much love.

Rebecca Sturgeon
International Homeopath and Traditional Healer
After a personal tragedy I began to realize that talk therapy was not working for me, I needed spiritual guidance. I sought out Shelley. When I arrived her first words where ‘I have been waiting for you to come’.
Over the course of just over 9 months I saw Shelley weekly, learning, absorbing and bit by bit I began to re-claim myself. Using tools such as Ho’oponopono, PSYCH-K, soul retrieval, crystal surgery energy rebalancing, mindfulness coaching and intuitive counselling, prayer – work, gratitude journal work, kindness, love, guided by the ever loving Shelley with her beloved cat Misty.
Shelley was my main guide and mentor during this time, I worked with other therapies as well. I have found her wisdom to be invaluable and I use the tools I have gathered daily. My work as a Homeopath, as a healer has benefitted, as I have grown and learnt the value of kindness. In every moment I am more kind, more tolerant of myself and therefore others.
I am truly grateful to you Shelley. Bless you.

Nicholas James
Shelley facilitates a very peaceful, loving and caring space for real and grounded transformation & process work to take place. I have been working with her for the past 8 years and my life is richer, more balanced and harmonious and happy because of her presence in my life and the work she offers the world. I love you. Thank you. X

Mandy Myerson
‘’When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” This is exactly how Shelley, my teacher came into my life. A friend had gifted me a course with Shelley for my birthday and it was on meeting Shelley that she suggested I look at the Red Road work. I resisted initially, but before my short course with her was complete, and after a few nudges from her, I went onto her website and had a look at this 7 year course called Universal Red Road. It looked really amazing, with the only concern being a weekly commitment of 3 hours. I could not think of a good reason at that point in my life not to do it, and so agreed to step into the work.
What I did not realize fully (although it is very clearly written down and explained), the work is all about stepping into Me and the active journey of learning (which is really remembering) all of who I am. What is described as the Red Road, is all encompassing, life changing work. Sometimes challenging in terms of getting to the classes, yet I always left feeling more connected, grounded and expanded. This is a journey of trust, growth and personal evolution in a hugely supported and help space.
Shelley is a brilliant teacher and I do not say this lightly. Her knowledge, ability to share and teach, her commitment, passion, authenticity and consistency is phenomenal. I found myself opening and evolving in all aspects of my being. My family could see major differences over the years and I have received such incredible knowledge that I can translate into wisdom within my everyday life. It has been such a gift to me, and where I am today has a lot to do with the work that I have done with Shelley in not only teaching and reminding me of my connection to all of life, but also having the confidence to step out and into the world and express all of who I am.
Mandy Myerson, Human Awakening

Natalie Walsh
Actress, Stunt Performer and Dancer
I have been going to Shelley now for the past 3 years. She has touched my life as such a gift. She addresses every part of my life to help draw me into my own self mastery and full potential. The support, nurture and love from Shelley has been nothing short of completely unconditional. Her dedication to honoring her craft in helping others step into their own divine light is so admirable. She has always been there for me at the drop of a hat, no matter what, in any dire need.
I can speak to her about absolutely anything and there has never once been an ounce of judgment.
She makes you feel completely safe with her angelic calm, loving nature. She addresses everything with pure love. I can honestly say I can’t imagine my life without her. My life has evolved beautifully since seeing Shelley. Helping me through both ups and downs, guiding me to stay aligned in my true purpose, potential, and light.
I just think everyone should see Shelley.

Elma Rivera
Life Skills & Business Coach
PSYCH-K Instructor/Facilitator
The Full Moon Gatherings lead by Shelley Ruth Wyndham is a wonderful way to reconnect with oneself, nature and Spirit. Sitting in an authentic tipi, watching the fire dance and being part of a group of people truly wanting to honour themselves, our earth and each other, is a wonderful uplifting experience.
It is like being back in the womb, separated for a couple of hours from modern living and connecting with the inner self in a place of nurturing and care.
Thank you Shelley for leading the discourses and guiding beautiful ceremonies”.

Caro Copeland
Dr Hauschka Southern Africa – International Beauty Face & Body Trainer Make up artist
Shelley works with absolute integrity. If you need to change deep belief systems that one just can’t shake no matter what, she is your person. She is incredibly gifted in what she does and one can trust that her work is done with great wisdom.

Donovan Copley
Hot Water
“Shelley is pure magic and supported me to create some amazing shifts that kickstarted my career.”