Mindfulness Coaching & Intuitive Counselling
We offer a one year (twelve month) program for this service. Sessions are based on one hour MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING, held once a week every month, ‘live’ with me as your personal Coach done in person, and also offered as a distance service (remote / on-line service) too for the twelve month period. MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING sessions are held each week, and run consecutively, each month as a year program.
In our MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING program, the focus of work is dedicated to support you to become aware, heal, balance and transform yourself and your life in the ways which serve you for the better. I recommend each client works privately with journal work making private entries into their personal journal over this process as they may wish to document for themselves, specific realisations, certain guidance steps I may share with them; journal work is an effective structure for the client to gain personal insights into themselves and where they may want to start charting their own progress going forward.
”Mindfulness” is another word for remembering and often it is said as remembering the being behind all our doing, or the essence of who we are. Working at an appropriate pace, clients are guided through various awareness exercises that increase attention, calm the body, and explore narratives and emotions. The benefits of mindfulness coaching are many, including better focus, self-awareness, stress resilience, creativity, meaning, and happiness.
In these sessions I combine when necessary, my Intuitive Counselling abilities to best support your healing process regarding any relevant wounding of past/ current traumas, repeating patterns which are blocking you and keeping you from being and having what you seek for yourself.
In this program, the focus of work is dedicated to support you to heal, awaken and transform yourself and your life for the better and clients are therefore encouraged, to consider to choose to do this talking therapy program which requires of you to also listen, to the guidance offered and to your own inner guidance from within you. This program offers a structure which aims to help you to learn to become aware and gain insights into your own programming and offers tried and tested methods and ways for you to test for yourself to discover what works best for you, to help you shift your non- serving habitual ways into ways which serve you more. This program is incredibly powerful and supportive. You begin to witness your own growth as you learn how to shift your non serving ways for improved outcomes The consistency of this work, can help you yield incredible results for those who choose to step into a greater sense of self, as you learn to embrace your own authentic, and start to live a life that is worthy of who you truly are. This program can greatly assist you to re-balance, re-harmonise, re-empower, as you learn how to transform and optimise your overall well-being with your consistent growth.
Every client’s situation and conditions are unique. If this modality of a talking therapy which involves listening to guidance too, is an appropriate option for the client to consider, it is highly recommended to select Mindfulness Coaching and Intuitive Counselling sessions for at least a year process.
The focus in this program MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING is dedicated to support you to transform your current non-serving beliefs and ways which hold you back in your life, into more balance. By becoming more aware, you are guided to begin to witness the belief patterns you have, which are running your life – some which support where you are in your life and some which do not and you get to choose which beliefs you want to uphold and which beliefs you would like to let go and transform. In these sessions I will be guiding you how to shift your ways, your conditioning and habits which no longer serve you, to help you to turn your life around for the better and where you will be learning ways to calm, centre, earth / ‘ground’ yourself to help you feel more present in yourself and within your life.
Outline and Financial exchange.
After your Initial Consult, (please read terms of service) if this MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING program is the service you choose; we offer two options:
– one for your personal life
– one for your business life
Both these MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING options are structured over a twelve month period. Sessions are an hour MINDFULNESS COACHING & INTUITIVE COUNSELLING, conducted each week, each consecutive monthly for the full duration of the twelve month period.
Payments are pre-paid, conducted upfront each month, for the full duration of the period of the twelve month period.
Investment for personal life : R 3 400 per month (for one hour sessions held weekly, each consecutive month for twelve months).
Investment for business : R 5 000 per month ( for one hour sessions held weekly, each consecutive month for twelve months).
Embrace real change for the better as you learn to empower and master yourself, as you learn to calm yourself and learn how to shift stubborn, negative thinking patterns, unbalanced emotions, destructive behaviours into supportive ways of being where you can learn to thrive and start living the life you have longed for!